Monday, June 4, 2007

keeping busy...

Hey all... while Dad is busy, we have work to keep us busy.

First, here's Mati inspecting the underside of the sofa for dust bunnies... I think she's taking this job a bit too far...

And then we are on security detail... notice who's really doing his job, and who is ...*ahhem*, sleeping on the job!


Joe Stains said...

sometimes the siblings just dont know how to do the jobs appointed to them, but they try! you did great!

Mati said...

Thanks Joe! I take my duties seriously, but Mati's a bit ... Que sera sera about things!

Mati said...

Thanks Joe! I take my duties seriously, but Mati's a bit ... Que sera sera about things!

The Army of Four said...

I dunno Rocky .... Mati looks MIGHTY cute with her chin on the patio!