Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Helllooo Daisy!

Rocky and Mati here giving a big welcome to our new friend and neighbor Daisy!

Daisy is a Australian Cattle Dog - Chow. Wow! What a cutie!

Dad only let us say hello from the door. Mati and I were singing a song.. and singing out loud --- hmmm, Sing, sing a song, Sing out loud, Sing out strong .... oh, sorry. Dad says I should Woof like a big boy instead of singing crazy like I do. Well, as it turns out, Mati does the woofing and I do the singing. Together we make quite the quadruped-duet :-)

Welcome again Daisy!

Wooooof! ;-)


Joe Stains said...

Daisy is a total CUTIE!!!

Mati said...

Joe and Tanner: Isn't that the truth! She's going to have some serious DF's (dogfriends)!

The Army of Four said...

Rocky: WOW, is she CUTE! I hope you get to meet her in dog soon!
Play bows,
PS: Mom's got that song stuck in her head now. Ha roo roo roo!