Thursday, August 2, 2007

Welcome Nana!

Wait wait! What are you doing? I thought you came to visit? Are you going to fix my Camo bed? I don't think you understand. I must be with my bed at all times. This is much better...

And your making me a new one?? Did I ever tell you I could help?


Guinness & Shiloh's Family said...

Oh, what a great Nana you have! and you are so helpful to her. What a team. We love when our granmum & grandpup come to visit us too. You look bewootiful in your picture with your Nana

Mati said...

Thanks! I try to help. Rocky isn't much of a helper as he is a watcher. I even pressed the pedal on the floor and the noisy machine went vroooom! - Thanks again, Love Mati

Joe Stains said...

you are very helpful!! I love to help with EVERYTHING especially cooking!

Katherine and Pippa said...

What a fine blog, with some beautiful photos of two very good-looking dogs.

We will come back again to keep up to date with your sleeping, I mean helpful activities and antics.


Mati said...

Joe: Thanks, I try. I would love to help with the cooking too, but Dad says I have to watch instead. Bummer!

Pippa: Thanks for stopping by! We look forward to telling everyone about our antics...err, I mean our excursions and entertaining accomplishments!

Bye for now, Mati and Rocky

FLCouzins said...

Wow - what a puuuuurfect blanket. We wish Nana would make us one! We wouldn't be interested in helping, just supervising. But we miss Nana, haven't seen her in a few months. Since Boots is too fat to get up on the couch (26+ pounds), he would love one to lay on the floor. (He's says he's not fat, just big boned but Cutlass and I know better.)

The Army of Four said...

Mati: You look bee-roo-tiful helping your Nana fix your bed! She looks mighty bee-roo-tiful, too. I bet I'd like her. Is she like your Dad? We like him a lot!
Play bows,