Thursday, August 9, 2007

Just Ducky

Hey there Quadrupeds! Just me working on my nylabone and keeping my Duck safe. Dad took this picture months ago, but now, I can't find my Ducky! Have you seen him? I've looked everywhere. I even looked in my secret hiding places - and no duck luck. Dad says I have to keep looking....

I once hid some biscuits here.... Ducky? Are you here?

And I once hid an entire loaf of Italian bread under this pillow... Ducky? Are you here?

I guess I will have to just keep looking...

I might require the Detective Services of the AO4. Mati, what do you think? ...Mati? ....Mati? Hmmm, looks like I'm alone on this one.

Signing off for now - I'll keep you posted on the Ducky Search. -Rock


Katherine and Pippa said...

Can't help there.

But mistress likes the bed, says it looks like hers.

What's a ducky?

Guinness & Shiloh's Family said...

OH, Rocky. It must be so very distressing not being able to find your ducky. Guinness knows how you feel. In the winter when it snows, her freebee hides and she cannot find it no matter how hard she sniffs. We hopr that ducky finds his way back to you very soon.

Guinness thinks you are so very sweet. And don't feel bad for her Rocky. She can't go do therapy work with Shiloh because she gets a bit overprotective on a leash, so it's hard for her to go in public. She'd rather stay at home and be queen.

Mati said...

Welcome again Katherine and Pippa! Mati's bed is so nice, even I have tried it out a couple times now! I have never used a Canine bed since I have been here until now! My Ducky is a Duck stuffed animal. It's a Mallard Duck and I just love him. I carry him around the house and sometimes fall asleep with him. Thanks again! Stay cool over there!

Guinness, thanks for your thoughts. I know that when I do find Ducky that I'll be so very happy, so I'll just keep looking! Boy, that trick frisbee must be a real bugger too! And thank you! At least I'm not the only one that has to stay home from therapy visits! Now that I think of it, I should stay home because I'm the boss! Ahroo? Thanks again, -Rock

Pacco de Mongrel said...

oh poor thing...ur duckie got lost??

i hope i can give u a help paw of mine...


Oh no Rocky! Come on think where did you last play with him? We do hope he turns up. We think we would like Ducky too. A while back we saw real ones and where very interested!
Jazz and Dixie

The Army of Four said...

Oh, NO! You don't think Ducky flew about do you? Is it migration time? Oh, Rocky! We hope you find him!!! Let us know if you need our help! OH! And you might want to ask Joe Stains, too. He's not only a great detective, he has a cool trench coat!
I'll look for Ducky!!!

Joe Stains said...

maybe your ducky flew south? winter is on its way !!

Mati said...

Paco de Mongrel: Welcome! and thanks for your helping paw! Dad says we should be able to find it soon!

Jazz and Dixie: Thanks for the tip. hmmmm, where did I play with him last?? Well, I think I had duckie last when I was in the refrigerator. Gosh, I hope he isn't in there!

AO4: Yes, can you believe it? He's gone! I may be soliciting the help of the great AO4! And that's right, Joe does have that cool detective coat. I'm sure it helps!

Joe Stains: Thanks for the tip. I hope he didn't fly south. He's got such a great home here with Mati and I. I love Duckie.

Ferndoggle said...

Rockford, you are the man!! You hid a whole loaf of bread under the pillow????

I gotta get working on my skillz. That's impressive.


Mati said...

Thanks Ferndoggle! But really, it's no big deal. Where else was I going to put it? Back in the fridge? I think not!!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Rocky.
I know its not fun when a favorite toy is lost!
I hope you find it soon!
Take care

Mati said...

Thanks for visiting Lorenza! We seem to get into trouble around here. I know Duckie is somewhere! Thanks again, and we will keep everyone posted on the Duckie-Hunt!

Woooof! -Rocky

Cubby said...

Do you have a pond? I've seen a duck in a pond...