On Saturday evening / Sunday morning Mati was admitted to the hospital.
She has Vertigo.
She has had a number of brief attacks over the last week, most only lasting about 15 to 30 seconds after getting up (just like people). This last attack is still on-going, now just over 24 hours. We hope it is due to something simple and not a progression of cancer. I will update this tomorrow after speaking with the Neurologist.
This picture was taken earlier in the day, with her enjoying her new bed!
This picture was taken after I caught her texting a friend - and we thought you needed thumbs to do things!
Ever get the feeling that when you get up after being in bed that the dog will NOT take your place? (Yeah, me neither).
Good thoughts from us! We hope that Mati gets back home soon.
Steve and Kat
Thanks for telling us
Paws crossed here!
I hope Mati is going to be ok and she will back at home soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Paws crossed here too. All four plus Master's and Misery's too. Misery gets vertigo so we know how horrid it is. Please get well soon darling Mati.
Pippa xx
Thank you Steve and Kat and Lorenza too.
Pippa; How unfortunate that Misery understands all too well :-( ...Just like bipeds, Mati is on Meclazine - hopefully it helps.
Thank you again, will update later in the day.
You are both in our thoughts and prayers.
Tail wags,
Update: I had a lengthy visit with her last night and she seemed to relax enough to be still and give kisses.
This morning, Mati is able to stand on her own but is still wobbly. This is a good improvement and she slept well last night.
The neurologist has examined her, but we don't have a root cause yet.
I'll be visiting with her again and the doctors and hopefully she continues to be comfortable as possible and returns to normal soon.
Thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers.
Just returned home from a lengthy visit with Mati in the hospital.
She still remains in the same condition but was relaxed and happy to sit with me in a quiet room for a long while.
If she is not significantly better or close to normal by tomorrow, she will have an MRI to determine any metastasis or inner ear (vestibular system) problems.
More will follow, so keep good thoughts.
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