I thought those presents were for Mati and I, but they weren't. I don't get it. Look at each of the cards below. Do you see one biped on any card? No, not a one! I think they are for us. An Authentic Patriots jersey, a Red Sox edition Monopoly, and a GPS Collar??? Hmmm, I'm not sure about that one, maybe it's for Dad so he doesn't get lost... but I'll play Red Sox Monopoly!

But anywho, Dad want's to thank Betsy, Lori, Hope, & Heather for the gifts and for a yummy lunch too (which by the way we didn't get any of...)
The shirts you saw on the last blog were from the "FL Couzins" - our Aunt Angela, John, and the catz Boots, Cutlass, and Minnie.
Well, at least I get to go for rides with Dad in the car a lot these days, even if I never get any presents at all ever. Well, there usually are Christmas presents, and sometimes Birthday presents too, the Easter presents, the occasional surprise present, but outside of that, never ever ever!
By the way, Mati is doing well - of course. And me? More hot spots. Just when we thought 60ml a day of Aloe was good...not to mention the bath, lotions etc...I got two more hot spots. I hate hot spots. I hate drinking aloe, oh, and I hate hot spots. Did I mention I hate hot spots? Dad's changing my food now. He says a home cooked or partial home cooked meal will help. He is looking at Timber Wolf Organic, Wellness, and Honest Kitchen foods. I hope he makes up his mind soon. I want a steak.
Well, that's all for now, Happy Sunday, Love "I hate hot spots" Rocky