Mati here! Thank Roos to Lorenza, Ao4, Steve and Kat, Pippa, and JNTR. I've taken Pippa's advice and have taken lots of naps and I am following my PT's direction! My vertigo-go advice to Misery is to take the tablets and then hang your head out the car window! The wind through your fur... I mean hair will help!
Well, I'm reporting in with super great health and having fun! Dad asked the good people at PawPrints to take some candid-portraits of us enjoying life and taking some time to stop and smell the flowers!

This is at a neighbor's house around the corner. She has such a great yard filled with Azaleas and beautiful landscape.

Here I am on exploration. Don't worry! I have a lead on, but you just can't see it or my Dad!

Here we are together. When I wasn't feeling well, Dad carried me around. But every now and then he still picks me up. I let him do it for now, I think it makes him feel better!

Thanks again, everyone stay well!
Tail wags and kisses, Mati