Where have you’ve been? Opps! I mean where have
I’ve been? Well, it’s been a long week – and Dad kept promising Mati and I snow, and nothing. It’s been a long wait.
In the mean time we have been busy barking, watching, and walking. Mati has been teaching me to bark when someone comes to the door - like last night with the Washington Gas man. I still don’t get it. I look at Dad and
he doesn’t bark when someone comes to the door. ??
Well it finally snowed! (Ok, it wasn’t snow as much as mostly ice) – but anyhow – it’s real fun and Mati LOOOOOOVES the snow. She becomes a whole new quadruped when it snows. She likes to play, and then I like to play...and then she puts her hair up and gets all crazy on me. She loves me, I know.
Here are some pics of us in the snow … err… ice I mean.
Love Rocky

Here I am running to Dad

Here Mati is showing off her hair ... Don't get your hair all in a tizzy!

Here we are playing